Following their explosive showdown, Godzilla and Kong must reunite against a colossal undiscovered threat hidden within our world, challenging their very existence – and our own.
Released: 2024-03-13
Runtime: 115 minutes
Genre: Action, Science Fiction, Adventure
Stars: Brian Tyree Henry, Kaylee Hottle, Fala Chen, Alex Ferns, Rachel House, Dan Stevens, Rebecca Hall, Cassie Riley, Jordy Campbell, Ron Smyck, Chantelle Jamieson, Kevin Copeland, Tess Dobre, Tim Carroll, Anthony Brandon Wong, Sophia Emberson-Bain, Vincent B. Gorce, Greg Hatton, Chika Ikogwe, Yeye ZhouShow all > Nick Lawler, Jamaliah Othman, Robert Clavero, Patrick Moroney