Happy Family

Happy Family 2006

5.3 6

Thijs is a ripe-age Dutch tomato grower. His adult daughters plan to have him move in a skyscraper-flat, leaving home and professional life, but he takes his adolescent (half-)Moroccon grandson Omar's advice to refuse and keep living. Thijs even lets the cheerful rascal coach his love-life, which lands him on a blind date with Jacky, an energetic Flemish woman, who won't take no for an answer but turns up at his door-step till he consents, and soon drags him into evening life, preparing for a dance contest. Soon after Omar turns up, listless and lazier then ever, runaway from school and home. The obvious reason for the horny hound's hanging head is a girl: Mergal is foxy, Turkish and as smitten as he, but her burly big brother Erhan will only allow a boy to go steady with her who has proven himself his better on the field in the traditional manly sport of oil-wrestling. Now Thijs...

  • Released: 2006-12-14
  • Runtime: 83 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy, Romance
  • Stars: Koen van der Donk, Tjitske Reidinga, Gene Bervoets, Micha Hulshof, Fatma Genç, Ad van Kempen, Plien van Bennekom, Luk D'Heu, Jos van der Donk, Martin Koolhoven, Yahya Gaier, Judith Bovenberg, Yes-R, Sabri Saad El-Hamus, Frieda Pittoors, Sedat Mert, Sanne Vogel, Juliette de Wijn, Jacques D'Ancona, Sadik Eksi  Show all >
    Helmert Woudenberg, Geert de Jong
  • Director: Martin Koolhoven