Goodbye Again

Goodbye Again 1961

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Middle-aged businesswoman Paula Tessier rejects the advances of her client's amusing 25-year-old son, Philip Van der Besh, but reconsiders when her longtime philandering partner begins yet another casual affair with a younger woman. She soon learns that May-December romances with older women are frowned upon in society.

  • Released: 1961-05-23
  • Runtime: 120 minutes
  • Genre: Drama, Romance
  • Stars: Yves Montand, Paul Bonifas, Annie Duperoux, Moustache, Jocelyn Lane, Diahann Carroll, Jean-Pierre Cassel, Jean Hébey, Michèle Mercier, Jean Ozenne, Pierre Dux, Colin Mann, Uta Taeger, Raymond Gérôme, David Horne, Yul Brynner, Jessie Royce Landis, Alison Leggatt, André Randall, Henri Attal  Show all >
    Germaine Delbat, Michel Garland, Lee Patrick, Dominique Zardi, Jean Clarke, Peter Bull, Ingrid Bergman, Anthony Perkins, Jean Michaud
  • Director: Anatole Litvak