In this gentle comedy, an unpopular resident in a Russian village has his life completely changed when he announces, entirely on a whim and just to upset things a bit, that he's moving to the Pacific coast.
Released: 1990-12-04
Runtime: 76 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Andrey Zhigalov, Sergey Batalov, Irina Rozanova, Alla Kliouka, Anna Ovsyannikova, Vladimir Tolokonnikov, Lev Borisov, Zinaida Vorkul, Aleksandr Chislov, Vera Ivleva, Boris Kamorzin, Mikhail Mezenev, Yevgeniy Titov, Yuriy Popov, M. Nikitskaya, Yuri Kolobkov, Dmitriy Dmitriev