
In the same house, on the same night, two groups meet. One, made up of very serious gentlemen, members of a religious-monarchist order. The other, a bunch of crazy people in animal costumes, at a party with sex and rock’n’roll. When the storm starts and the lights go out, anything can happen.

  • Released: 1984-01-01
  • Runtime: 11 minutes
  • Genre: Comedy
  • Stars: Isabel Ibias, Luis Carlos Magalhães, Ivo Bender, João Antônio Cirne, Breno Ruschel, José Salimen Júnior, Carlos Cunha Filho, Lisa Becker, Marcos Breda, Wander Wildner, Zeca Kiechaloski, Carlos Freire, Marco Antônio Sório, Cleide Fayad
  • Director: Jorge Furtado, José Pedro Goulart