Anonymous figures pass through the gates of a park at night, seeking adventure in its dark alleys. An amusement park is ruled by the laws of desire.
Released: 2024-06-27
Runtime: 72 minutes
Genre: Drama
Stars: Aisha Brunno, Bramma Bremmer, Artur Rogério, Igui Leal, Guilherme Marques, Pedro Lanna, Rafael Santos, Will Soares, Eli Nunes, Arthur Gaffuri, David Maurity, Dudu Melo, Gabriel Mendes, Pedro Trad, Heleno Rohn, Marlon de Paula, Nanauê, Rafael Batista, Seresteiro, Sherlon PetersonShow all > Simon Oliveira, Victor Junio, Yuri Péricles, Vina Jaguatirica