Majokko Megu-chan is a magical girl anime series. The manga was created by Tomo Inoue and Akio Narita, while the 72-episode anime series was produced by Toei Animation between 1974 and 1975. This series is considered an important forerunner of the present day magical girl genre, as the series' characterization and general structure exerted considerable influence over future shows in the same genre. Most notably, several of the show's recurring motifs were recycled in Toei's Sailor Moon, AIC's Pretty Sammy, and Wedding Peach.
Toei Animation by .
Stars: Noriko Tsukase, Rihoko Yoshida, Hiroshi Ôtake, Hiroko Maruyama, Hiroshi Masuoka, Hiroshi Ôtake, Hiroshi Ôtake, Keaton Yamada, Keiko Yamamoto, Kenichi Ogata, Masako Nozawa, Nana Yamaguchi, Noriko Tsukase, Sachiko Chijimatsu, Sanji Hase, Tamaki Taura.
Genres: Drama, Soap, Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi & Fantasy
Keywords: female protagonist
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